Sex in the City–You Better Be Careful

Over 75% of NY residents infected with genital herpes

MELBOURNE: Sex in New York just got riskier. A new study by the state government has shown that more than a quarter of the Big Apple’s adult residents are infected with the herpes virus — an incurable sexually-transmitted infection that can cause painful genital sores and can double a person’s risk for HIV.

According to CBS report, the findings have prompted a new push by health workers to encourage safe sex, with free condoms on offer.

The study, conducted by the New York Health Department, has shown that 26 per cent of New York’s residents have the virus that causes genital herpes, with national figure standing at 19%.

For the entire article go to The Times of India.

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These are some pretty daunting figures. One in four in New York has been blessed with herpes. Okay, I know, there are all forms of herpes. But one in four? You have better odds with Russian Roulette.

The funny thing is sex is one of the endeavors will you will risk those odds just to get a little satisfaction. Sure the itching, scratching, trips to the doctor, and the warnings to the new lovers may come somewhere down the line. But for that night, it’s magic. And if it isn’t magic, the sexual encounter is enough to get you through the night and maybe even into another date. And you can have sex again. If the stars are hanging right and your lover’s herpes are not in full bloom.

What a world. Once upon a time you just go some ugly syphilis disease. You would get sick, body parts would all but fall off. You would go nuts, just like Al Capone, and then you would die an ignominious death. So much for the “it’s a good day to die” proverb when you have syphilis.

So now it is herpes. One in four. That is daunting enough, but it is New York, which should be upfront in chance encounters. But think of the national average. That is 19%. What are they doing out there? What abut all this stuff about abstinence and family values? Yes, you could argue it is, after all, only twenty percent of the time, give or take. But to get to a twenty percent affliction rate, a lot more people have to be doing the dirty with some very real sexual abandon.

I guess I have to ask what races through people’s minds when they are about to do it with a stranger. Do you pause to think, hey I have a one in four to one in five change I will receive the everlasting gift of herpes after this magic event? Do you rationalize and figure, hey, at least it isn’t AIDS?

I remember back when once having the warts test. The doctor smears some clear liquid on your privates and then looks you over under an ultraviolet light. Very psychedelic. I suppose a very abstract relic of the sixties, where all you had to worry about was crabs and gonorrhea. And maybe syphilis. So there you are under the black light, helping your doctor check for the tell tale signs of warts. “What’s that?” “Nothing. Just be more careful when you shave down there.”

As Corra the background screening company we check out people for people who date. But we can’t access medical records and tell you if the person you are dating is one of the one in four. No background check can turn that up.

So, I guess to borrow from the Dirty Harry Movies, before having sex with strangers “the thing you have to ask yourself is do you feel lucky? Well, do ya?”

Author: Gordon Basichis

Gordon Basichis is the Co-Founder of Corra Group, specializing in pre-employment background checks and corporate research. He has been a marketing and media executive. He is the author of the best selling Beautiful Bad Girl, The Vicki Morgan Story, a non-fiction novel that helped define exotic behavior in the late twentieth century. He has recently published The Cuban Quarter, The Blood Orange, and The Guys Who Spied for China, dealing with Chinese Espionage in the United States. He is the author of The Constant Travellers. He has been a journalist for several newspapers and is a screenwriter and producer.