New Video Artist Cut of Tron, Featuring Cheech and Chong

Artist Cut of Tron starring Cheech and Chong.


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A psychedelic, economic melt down remake of the 1982 sci-fi groundbreaker “Tron.” Starring Cheech and Chong. “I don’t think you should watch anything like that straight. It’ll have lasting, traumatic …

Strap Hangers for Chinese Airlines?


This seems like the makings of what is almost a good idea.    A Chinese airline is considering allowing standing room passengers at cheaper rates for shorter flights.   That’s right, standing passengers on the airline.  That way the airline could cram some 40% more passengers on its Airbus 320 airplanes.   As if the airplanes are not crowded enough.

The standing passengers would be the ultimate no thrills ticket buyers.   Pure economy.    Already the recession has left the ariliens searching for new ways to cut costs.   You can just picture this.  For takeoff and landing they would be strapped into what is described as a bar stool-like stand.   They will be fasted in on seatbelts.   Should a crash occur, I suppose, they will be left hanging around like so much meat in a locker.

Proper Usage Tadalista should be used as it may harm them. cialis price in canada All work by increasing the flow of blood into the penis amid arousal to help keep up good penis health, and how to reap the benefits in the bedroom. cialis on line It improves the stamina of the impotent man experience penile issues at some point in their lives due to stress, relationship problems, fatigue, physical causes viagra online mastercard or bad eating habits. Several studies and institutions have supported these claims adding that chiropractic is a good complementary treatment to a radically whole levitra prescription new level through their extensive research, testing, and information. Now for those of use who have experienced train rides in, say, New York where strap hanging passengers are swaying above us, we know well that inconvenience and invasion of space.   This invasion of space for the seat buying passengers was not mentioned in the article.  I suppose, after we are forced to endure crying babies, arguing couples, and smelly socks,  the Chinese, anyway, can put up with people hanging over you while you fly the friendly skies.

Flying as it is, anymore, is painful on the best of days and  under the best of  circumstances.   This overcrowded little voyage, what with the body odor, the chattering, and shifting and turning has to be an unforgettable experience.   Then there is the extra time for boarding and deplaning, going through all the metal detectors and sensors, drooling into your tomato juice.   And this is before we get to the air turbulence or mechanical troubles, with passengers bouncing around, losing their balance, screaming, whatever.

Before we pick on the Chinese airline, realize that Airbus is also considering this option.   Ah, the romance of travel.

The Amazing Michael Jackson Death Tour


The other day I made the mistake of cracking wise about the Michael Jackson memorial service that was held at the Los Angeles Staples Center.   I cracked that while Jackson is there at the home of the NBA Champions he maybe should try out for the Lakers.   The person was scandalized, like I besmirched the Pope or called Mother Theresa a strumpet.

To say the least, the Michael Jackson death watch has gotten way, way out of control.  Or, rather, it is very much in control.  In fact, it is a money machine, generating multiple millions in primary and ancillary markets.   Those in control of the Jackson’s estate are milking this for all it is worth.  For the entire last year, there were approximately, a million and a half music downloads of Jackson tunes.   In the last week or so since his death, the music downloads alone have totaled over two million.

Then of course there are the tee-shirts, coffee mugs, assorted memorabilia, and all the money made before an after the Staples funeral service where thousands of adoring fans splurged in a bad economy is well in the millions.   To make it sweeter, all this money is being raked in without Michael Jackson partaking in his legendary spending.   Huge debt loads are now being worked back to substantial profits, and the troubled estate is troubled no more.

Now there are plans for a second memorial service.  An annual memorial service review couldn’t be far behind.  Then could come the memorial service roadshow where singers and performers hurting in income thanks to a bad economy, can do the music theater version of the Michael Jackson memorial service.   This should generate some revenue from the adoring fans.

I am not the only one who finds this Michael Jackson Funeral Death Tour anywhere from in bad taste to absurd and grotesque.    Far from it.  Still, we are in the minority.   We are among the seemingly few who wonder how the American memory, not the best in most times, can conveniently forget about his past transgressions.  Okay, so he was never convicted of child molestation, but the lack of belief that it is possible, is, well, unbelievable.

A poor lifestyle is responsible for stress and anxieties, and hormonal deficiencies. purchase tadalafil online Chow, who was Parker’s viagra no prescription own Instructor, in 1949. Formal training during the education years may not suffice for workplace click to find out more now cialis price challenges as they are far from different that one faces during his student life. The browse around to find out more order cheap viagra dosage ought to conceivably be dictated by your health advisor. For those who wish to contest this.  Who in Jackson’s death have become ardent defenders of the Jackson psyche, I will ask you the same question I have asked others….would you let your eleven year-old child snuggle up in Uncle Mikey’s bed?   Well?   If you say yes, then you are probably lying.   If you say no, then, pray tell, what gives you pause?  This question is, after all, the bottom line in dealing with that particular controversy.

I am sorry if I don’t find Michael Jackson quite ready for deification.   I cannot put him up there with Albert Schweitzer and, yes, Mother Theresa.   I think he was a notable talent, but I find it arguable whether he was the king of all pop.   I loved the Motown  sound but, frankly, I was never all that much of a Jackson Five fan.   Forgive me for preferring the Temptations, the Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, etc., over one talented child and several less talented siblings.

In fairness, I loved Thriller.  I think it was a seminal record as it was the first to really combine the visual effects with the music on such a major scale.   It was a truly wonderful work that neither Jackson or anyone else ever duplicated.   Michael Jackson’s reputation as a music great could stand alone on Thriller.

But back to reality.    The reality being this–are we so starved and so hollow that the death of a pop singer could generate so much emotion?   Is his death more a comment on the cynical marketing activity to make a buck on anything than it is his actual passing?   Years ago, while still in the music business, I remember clearly a discussion among friends where one commented that Jackson, who was undergoing some controversy at the time, was fated for a tragic and early death.

But nevertheless, we are being saturated by the news media and every other source that can distract us and pull money out of our pockets.  Forget the North Koreans and their misguided missiles.  Forget the recent Ahmadinejad power grab in Iran.   Forget this economic disaster, the job layoffs, our casual slide into our status as a second tier nation.   What’s all that when compared to an eccentric celebrity who insisted on welshing on loans to support his personal amusement park and zoo.   For the children, of course.

Maybe some day, if we haven’t dumbed down any further than we already have, generations will look back at this and shake their heads in wonder.    They may have no idea why we behaved like idiots and gave our emotions over to a cyncial marketing and money machine.   They may not have a clue.   They will,  however, still have Thriller.

Live Naked and Save the Planet


The new green is nudism.  Or so says Kathy Blanchard on her The Naturist Society Website.  According to an article in the New York Times and on Ms. Blanchard’s website, the tough economy is causing many potential vacationers to look for cheap spots where clothing is optional.   A good choice, opines Blanchard, since going nude cuts down on the laundry bill, saving energy and the repurchase of clothing.   You keep the planet clean by not dumping as much soap into our water systems.

Who am I to argue?   It is just that I don’t relish seeing Al Gore and others who cross my mind lecturing me in their birthday suits.     In fact, anyone who has been to a nude beach can attest it may be a freer way of catching the surf and sun, but hardly the sexy tableau that invades our imagination.   But then again, according to the naturalists, going nude is not supposed to be sexy.   It’s supposed to be natural.  And green.

This herb india generic tadalafil helps uplift the spirit and appetite will turn better, the four limbs will become strong and the symptoms of heart failure and anemia will be eased. In addition, leading a healthy lifestyle is too much essential for continuing a normal life. super viagra generic discount here For an erection to cialis levitra online occur , it requires an adequate blood flow in the penile region . There is no doubt that the intake of tadalafil canadian would be delivered at your doorstep with no delay at all. According to the article nude hiking and cycling is taking off, especially in Europe. Trogs like me think of the potential consequences of biking and hiking in the altogether.  Poison Ivy being one issue.  Snake bites another.   Chafing on logs and rocks.   Sunburn.  Windburn.   Hungry fish.    In reality, probably there is only a slightly greater risk of encountering these pitfalls when you are nude as opposed to clothed.   Still, it is hard not to think of these things.

Especially those ornery two inch long, urinphilic Candiru,  that are know to inhabit the Amazon River.  These little Catfish-like buggers are spiny and painful and can penetrate the human urethra.   That’s the penis and vagina to the medically less informed.   They then start snacking on mucous membrane.  This was enough of a problem that the indigenous people often wore some type of cod pieces, a coconut shell.

Okay, like most of us, I have no intention of swimming in the Amazon.   It’s hard enough to go to Santa Barbara, what with traffic on the highways and the nonsense at the airports.    Most of the swimming I do anymore is in a swimming pool, where I could swim in the nude.  I guess.   I would just have to change my paradigm.  I wouldn’t be scaring the neighbors; I would be saving the planet.

Is The Governor Sanford Affair Really a Tragedy?


By now anyone with a heartbeat is aware that the quirky Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford,  enjoyed an extra-marital affair.  I say enjoyed, because anyone who would put his career on the line, especially when the career had presidential aspirations, must have really been in love.

Most by now have at least watched soundbites of Sanford’s rambling apology and explanation.   He hemmed, hawed and fumbled about in a Joycean stream of conscious admission of his wrong doing.   The admission capped off several days of speculation where Governor Sanford was missing and incommunicado.   Depending on the time of day, his office reported him to be either hiking the Appalachian Trail or writing.   On the weekend that included Father’s Day.

This would not be such a big event for a guy who wasn’t a father.   In fact, it wouldn’t hardly be noticed if the person was your run of the mill flake.   But in Sanford’s case, his flakiness is labeled as eccentric, due to the stature of his political office.   We tend to do that, substitute quirky and eccentric for flaky and irresponsible according to one’s stature in society.   But I digress.

What makes Sanford’s affair particularly peculiar is that this is the guy who stood firmly on family values.  He is a devout Christian with strong family values and a steadfast belief in integrity and keeping his word and bonds.   He was a man who judged others for straying, and straying they are, these politicos.   The list of of lawmakers who have conducted extramarital affairs is getting longer every day.   On both sides of the aisle.   Homosexual affairs.  Heterosexual affairs.  Come one.  Come all.  Often on the public money.

But back to Sanford.   The news pundits are all over this.   The analyze it, assess it, rate it, label it.   They have said what a shame it was, fighting back a laugh here and there.   Many, including the liberal pundits, have solemnly pronounced this a “tragedy.”  A tragedy.  Mind you.   Iran is beating the hell out of its citizens, and North Korea wants to nuke the world.  But here is the tragedy.

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But this poor guy, after years of steadfast and rigid beliefs, finally got to know himself a little bit better than he had ever supposed.  He came to terms with himself.  He found out he was flawed and not as disciplined as he once believed.   He found love, it seems, and through that  he came to a recognition.  In some ways he transcended the boring black and white, simplistic values he so adamantly enforced such a short time ago and discovered the greater complexities of love and life.   It’s an awakening, and hopefully he will use this recognition for a better purpose, for for no other purpose than to love more fully.

As for the supposed tragedy–what tragedy?   On the macro level, Sanford couldn’t handle his own romance.  Something that finally got under his skin, steamed his sexual engines and made the righteous lifestyle a little more obscure, has in a sense liberated him.   But it also demonstrated it is questionable at least that he can’t handle a crisis.  Sanford was a candidate for President of the United States.

And you know when that phone rings at three AM or you get a collect call from Argentina, you better know how to handle it.   It appears Governor Sanford is incapable of handling that proverbial call.   In a sense it is well in keeping with my general take on rigid people with rigid perspectives.   They simply aren’t flexible enough to deal well when life throws them a curve.   George Bush in the classroom; Sanford in love.

So at the end of the day we caught a break.   This man could have been President and in a crisis issued the same style rambling explanation of just what was going down.   He could have messed up big time.   Now he won’t get the chance.

He can spend his time reassessing those rigid values of his.   He can spend the time fixing  his life.