Strap Hangers for Chinese Airlines?


This seems like the makings of what is almost a good idea.    A Chinese airline is considering allowing standing room passengers at cheaper rates for shorter flights.   That’s right, standing passengers on the airline.  That way the airline could cram some 40% more passengers on its Airbus 320 airplanes.   As if the airplanes are not crowded enough.

The standing passengers would be the ultimate no thrills ticket buyers.   Pure economy.    Already the recession has left the ariliens searching for new ways to cut costs.   You can just picture this.  For takeoff and landing they would be strapped into what is described as a bar stool-like stand.   They will be fasted in on seatbelts.   Should a crash occur, I suppose, they will be left hanging around like so much meat in a locker.

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Flying as it is, anymore, is painful on the best of days and  under the best of  circumstances.   This overcrowded little voyage, what with the body odor, the chattering, and shifting and turning has to be an unforgettable experience.   Then there is the extra time for boarding and deplaning, going through all the metal detectors and sensors, drooling into your tomato juice.   And this is before we get to the air turbulence or mechanical troubles, with passengers bouncing around, losing their balance, screaming, whatever.

Before we pick on the Chinese airline, realize that Airbus is also considering this option.   Ah, the romance of travel.

Live Naked and Save the Planet


The new green is nudism.  Or so says Kathy Blanchard on her The Naturist Society Website.  According to an article in the New York Times and on Ms. Blanchard’s website, the tough economy is causing many potential vacationers to look for cheap spots where clothing is optional.   A good choice, opines Blanchard, since going nude cuts down on the laundry bill, saving energy and the repurchase of clothing.   You keep the planet clean by not dumping as much soap into our water systems.

Who am I to argue?   It is just that I don’t relish seeing Al Gore and others who cross my mind lecturing me in their birthday suits.     In fact, anyone who has been to a nude beach can attest it may be a freer way of catching the surf and sun, but hardly the sexy tableau that invades our imagination.   But then again, according to the naturalists, going nude is not supposed to be sexy.   It’s supposed to be natural.  And green.

This herb india generic tadalafil helps uplift the spirit and appetite will turn better, the four limbs will become strong and the symptoms of heart failure and anemia will be eased. In addition, leading a healthy lifestyle is too much essential for continuing a normal life. super viagra generic discount here For an erection to cialis levitra online occur , it requires an adequate blood flow in the penile region . There is no doubt that the intake of tadalafil canadian would be delivered at your doorstep with no delay at all. According to the article nude hiking and cycling is taking off, especially in Europe. Trogs like me think of the potential consequences of biking and hiking in the altogether.  Poison Ivy being one issue.  Snake bites another.   Chafing on logs and rocks.   Sunburn.  Windburn.   Hungry fish.    In reality, probably there is only a slightly greater risk of encountering these pitfalls when you are nude as opposed to clothed.   Still, it is hard not to think of these things.

Especially those ornery two inch long, urinphilic Candiru,  that are know to inhabit the Amazon River.  These little Catfish-like buggers are spiny and painful and can penetrate the human urethra.   That’s the penis and vagina to the medically less informed.   They then start snacking on mucous membrane.  This was enough of a problem that the indigenous people often wore some type of cod pieces, a coconut shell.

Okay, like most of us, I have no intention of swimming in the Amazon.   It’s hard enough to go to Santa Barbara, what with traffic on the highways and the nonsense at the airports.    Most of the swimming I do anymore is in a swimming pool, where I could swim in the nude.  I guess.   I would just have to change my paradigm.  I wouldn’t be scaring the neighbors; I would be saving the planet.

Is The Governor Sanford Affair Really a Tragedy?


By now anyone with a heartbeat is aware that the quirky Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford,  enjoyed an extra-marital affair.  I say enjoyed, because anyone who would put his career on the line, especially when the career had presidential aspirations, must have really been in love.

Most by now have at least watched soundbites of Sanford’s rambling apology and explanation.   He hemmed, hawed and fumbled about in a Joycean stream of conscious admission of his wrong doing.   The admission capped off several days of speculation where Governor Sanford was missing and incommunicado.   Depending on the time of day, his office reported him to be either hiking the Appalachian Trail or writing.   On the weekend that included Father’s Day.

This would not be such a big event for a guy who wasn’t a father.   In fact, it wouldn’t hardly be noticed if the person was your run of the mill flake.   But in Sanford’s case, his flakiness is labeled as eccentric, due to the stature of his political office.   We tend to do that, substitute quirky and eccentric for flaky and irresponsible according to one’s stature in society.   But I digress.

What makes Sanford’s affair particularly peculiar is that this is the guy who stood firmly on family values.  He is a devout Christian with strong family values and a steadfast belief in integrity and keeping his word and bonds.   He was a man who judged others for straying, and straying they are, these politicos.   The list of of lawmakers who have conducted extramarital affairs is getting longer every day.   On both sides of the aisle.   Homosexual affairs.  Heterosexual affairs.  Come one.  Come all.  Often on the public money.

But back to Sanford.   The news pundits are all over this.   The analyze it, assess it, rate it, label it.   They have said what a shame it was, fighting back a laugh here and there.   Many, including the liberal pundits, have solemnly pronounced this a “tragedy.”  A tragedy.  Mind you.   Iran is beating the hell out of its citizens, and North Korea wants to nuke the world.  But here is the tragedy.

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But this poor guy, after years of steadfast and rigid beliefs, finally got to know himself a little bit better than he had ever supposed.  He came to terms with himself.  He found out he was flawed and not as disciplined as he once believed.   He found love, it seems, and through that  he came to a recognition.  In some ways he transcended the boring black and white, simplistic values he so adamantly enforced such a short time ago and discovered the greater complexities of love and life.   It’s an awakening, and hopefully he will use this recognition for a better purpose, for for no other purpose than to love more fully.

As for the supposed tragedy–what tragedy?   On the macro level, Sanford couldn’t handle his own romance.  Something that finally got under his skin, steamed his sexual engines and made the righteous lifestyle a little more obscure, has in a sense liberated him.   But it also demonstrated it is questionable at least that he can’t handle a crisis.  Sanford was a candidate for President of the United States.

And you know when that phone rings at three AM or you get a collect call from Argentina, you better know how to handle it.   It appears Governor Sanford is incapable of handling that proverbial call.   In a sense it is well in keeping with my general take on rigid people with rigid perspectives.   They simply aren’t flexible enough to deal well when life throws them a curve.   George Bush in the classroom; Sanford in love.

So at the end of the day we caught a break.   This man could have been President and in a crisis issued the same style rambling explanation of just what was going down.   He could have messed up big time.   Now he won’t get the chance.

He can spend his time reassessing those rigid values of his.   He can spend the time fixing  his life.

Boomers’ New Commune for Retirement Post-Recession


Increasingly, I have listened to my Boomer friends tell me that  the economic meltdown has caused a serious decline in their pensions funds and portfolios.   The standard refrain is, “I’ll never be able to retire.”   Some are joking, or trying to put a good face on a rotten time for a Recession, and some are hardly joking at all.

Couple the loss of savings with the potential loss of your job, and Boomers are wondering how they are even going to make it to retirement.   It is no secret that the Boomers are generally higher paid and not as willing at this point in life to work the slave hours as their younger counterpart.   Then there are the others, who can’t find work and have given up trying.  They are taking earlier retirement.   Maybe they are getting less income from their Social Security and Retirement funds.   But at least they are getting  some money.   And some money is better than no money at all.  I guess.

It is a lousy economy for everybody but especially for a generation that thought it would never grow old, and now it has.   It’s a harsh reality, for sure, especially when you feel the first ailments, the aches and pains,  that make it harder to get up and harder to get it up.   Friends are starting to die around you.  It seems too early, but nevertheless life has its way of telling you the time of the season.   As Bob Dylan sang in one of his songs, “It ain’t dark yet, but it’s getting  there.”

All right, not to be morbid.   The fact is for most Boomers there is still a long way to go.   We are overall in better shape than any other generation.   We are better educated and more or us exercise and eat right.   We try to stay vital and relevant, even when looking vital and relevant is a full time job.  We have sex on a regular basis.   Or at least some of us do.   We accept the new realities that our friends and associates in trying to find themselves found sometimes that the boys liked boys and the girls liked girls.   Hey considering that our parents at our age looked like Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower, this ain’t too bad.

We look for second careers and go into business for ourselves.   We wear funny tee shirts and buy CD’s of our favorite bands.   We try to understand our children and maybe we do a better job of it than our parents did with us.   Or maybe we have no more of a clue about how and why the younger generation behaves than the old fogies who tried to ruin our youth.

So now hear we are, at least eyeballing retirement.   But in this economy we are increasingly aware, despite the assurances to the contrary, we may be faced with some serious downsizing.   Social services and entitlement may not be there like we thought.  We sure can’t take it for granted.   Instead of the government and our nest eggs providing us with economic and psychological sanctuary, we may be left to our own devices.   There are cracks in the system, the same system we once deplored and then finally embraced.   We were victimized by stupid wars, again,  and watched a bunch of white collar thieves run off with our money.   Some of us are those white collar thieves, but I digress.

We have handled it well.  So far.  Rather than man the barricades and storm the government institutions, we just grouse about it.   Maybe.  Or we take mood elevators and try not to notice.    Perhaps the storming part is best left to younger people as all that climbing and running would causes pains in the places we would rather ignore.   Who wants tear gas all over our brand new designer jeans?

As for the younger people, they accept their fates with a mix of apathy and lethargy.   It’s that or they are remarkable stoic.   The thing is if they are this apathetic about their own fates, then for sure as hell they are not about to care too much about us.   Even if we are their parents.

So I started thinking of solutions to our possible future challenges.   I realized we are liable to end up living on communes.  Talk about karma with a capital “K.”   We are going to chip in or in some other way cluster into workable communities where we can put food on the table and take care of each other.   Maybe it’s nuts to think this way, but it is no crazier than believing all those years of working fourteen hours a day would guarantee our economic security.   That is starting to look like it was really insane, wasting our lives, most of us, in jobs we hated.  For trinkets and beads.
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I write this never being a big fan of the communes of old.    I had visited a few in those times and it always seemed oddly humorous that the  commune dwellers in search of democracy voted on just about everything from cooking the ubiquitous brown rice to sexual sleeping arrangements.  all that deliberation was just too overwhelming.   I realized there need to be certain arrangements in order for these communes to survive, but some of the rules were more draconian than the rules of straight society.     In straight society you just needed money, and people would tend to leave you alone, if you wanted.  Not at the communes.  It seemed everyone was into everybody else’s business.

I remember living in Santa Fe, New Mexico and sitting in my favorite restaurant as a gaggle of hippies and their gaggle of kids partook in their weekly restaurant experience.   they may have been rich kids looking poor for all I knew.   The men and women were often dressed in muslin.  Dirty muslin.  Dresses, skirts, mens’ shirts.   Their kids, too, were adorned in muslin.  Set off, as they say in the fashion world, by dirty faces.

I forget the name of that particular commune where this group made their home.  It was up in the mountains and over the years was transformed by new owners into Ten Thousand Waves, the Japanese health spa.   Talk about changes and things.   The commune did enjoy the rare distinction of surviving longer than most.

So now here we are, perhaps about to reexamine the commune experience of our youth.  While most Boomers never set foot inside a commune, maybe a good thing, now it may loom as one of the principle means of our survival.   Of course the new communes would hardly resemble the old communes.   For one thing the sex acts would be far more limited.    Even with Viagra.

The good news would be that the residents would be far more accomplished than those who lived  in the communes of  our youth.    Despite all assertions to the contrary, we we largely young and inexperienced, lacking skill sets we have developed over time.   We may actually have a clue and know what we are doing, which back then was often not the case.

Things have changed.  We live in a digital world with the Internet.  Survival and setting up a business or series of business that may bring in income is a lot more realistic than the axiom of merely growing one’s own food and inseminating the barnyard animals.    Power lines reach into even the more rural areas, so running computer and appliances is not that much an issue.   Besides, some of these communes may be in urban areas, even blighted urban areas that can be reclaimed on the cheap.   Or perhaps they will exist in suburbia, in communities that have fallen apart.   Old factories.  Who knows.

Needs will be different from those in our youth.  Once upon a time it seemed like every third hippie woman took up midwifery.  Noble enough but hardly necessary with a group facing its own mortality.   People will need nursing and hospice skills instead.      Some people will need retraining. People will need entertainment.   Some will come over the Internet and through satellite and cable, but if there is leisure time it cannot all be spent in the pursuit of metaphysical enlightenment or listening to a poorly played guitar.

Then there is a matter of benefiting the surrounding communities.   When you have this many skilled Boomers clustered into one area then it is only fitting devote some time to going out into the community.  It wouldn’t hurt to teach the kids to read and write.   Teach classes on real issues, things that we have learned along the way.   Be the mentors we as kids thought others should be.   Maybe put a little something back in the world, even if our experience in it was less than satisfactory.

It can’t hurt.   And after all, it beats working.

Women in History and the Things We Don’t Know


Common long time fodder for comedians and pundits alike is the threadbare cliche about how men don’t understand women.   Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the last century, you  have been treated to a surfeit of sketches, the articles, and the stand up routines depicting women as mysterious creatures we simply can’t understand.   Funny?  Sometimes.

But the fact remains that what we really haven’t a clue about is woman’s actual role in history and culture.   I am not talking about the kitchen queen of the fifties or the Woman’s Lib activists of the 60’s and 70’s.    Despite the fact we have a dog’s sense of history and fifty years ago appear like ancient times, there are patterns of acculturation and the roll out of historical events that have gone on for centuries.   And for what we know of those decades, we know so little about the female role in society and civilization.

It is fair to say a great deal of woman’s history has been suppressed.  Hence lecturer, author and vaunted historian, Max Dashu, has compiled over decades boundless information about woman’s role in society.   That is in societies around the world.    Dashu’s website, Suppressed Histories Archives is a daunting work, revealing boundless information about woman’s role in society, almost since time began.
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Dashu has compiled images of all sorts and created lectures or presentations oriented toward myriad issues and cases in history.    There are some 15,000 slides and 100 different shows.  Dashu has lectured at colleges and universities as well as to a variety of organizations both in the United States and around the world.  She has created a fascinating DVD, and is currently working on a book series.

For history buffs and for those who think they have an understanding of womens culture, well here is an eye opener.   And for those women who are curious about their universal culture and societal heritage, this is a treasure for the mind.    This is complex subject matter, not some simplistic jargon in the latest fashion magazine.   And Dashu offers detailed analysis of some of the more complex issues of the past and how they affect our culture today.

This is a class act.   And there is no two drink minimum.